Project Transformation Inc.

10 Ways to believe EVERYTHING is possible

Hello friends!

Today I want to bring you some serious positive energy to get you through this week. I want to inspire you to approach your day a little differently today and every day. I want to share a mindset shift I had that could be the key to turning things around with your goals. And it all starts with considering the past.

The past is finite. It is fact. Already happened. Because of that there is no changing it. Book closed. Yet so many people choose to dwell there rather than move on. Some people are so stuck in the past that they live life in a constant state of regret. What could have been. What I should have done. How it should have happened. Why do we torture ourselves by living backwards? What do you gain out of thinking that way? What does you gain from focusing on what might have been?

The future is so much more fun! There is sooo much POTENTIAL in each and every day! With the past your story is written. But there is so much value in looking forward. There is no limit to the possibilities. And because there is no limit, no dream is too big! If you always see a way to do it, things will always happen! If you play your cards right, you just might accomplish more than you ever thought possible. Don’t believe me? Here are some thoughts I’d like to share with you.

1. If you can see it, you can be it.

Sounds lame but it’s still true. If you can dream it and build your story around it, then there has to be a way to make it happen. People make their dreams come true and find success all the time! Why not you? You are capable of amazing things! If you have a dream that you know you can accomplish with reasonable training and putting in the work, then why wouldn’t it be possible for you? You know your capabilities and you can see the path to get to your goal. The rest is history.

2. Speak it into existence.

Start to see your life as a story that you are writing every day. Spend some time creating that image in your mind by journaling. Don’t go in blind. Begin looking ahead and decide exactly what the future will be like. See all the things you want to accomplish right in front of you. What does it look like? What does it feel like? Having a clear vision is so important to success.

3. Believing it’s possible is the biggest step.

If you want to get to a point where you KNOW you are going to succeed, you first need to BELIEVE it’s possible. If you don’t see it happening to you, it won’t. Belief is so important. When you truly believe in the potential of you dreams, you are not going to be stressed but instead excited about what comes next. Then it just becomes about discovering the how. You won’t get stressed or anxious because of any roadblock. You know that you have what it takes. You KNOW and you BELIEVE in yourself enough to pursue it.

4. Then it’s just making a plan.

Concrete steps you can take to make it happen are so important. You cannot skip the planning step! For any success you need a course of action. It isn’t hoping something will come to pass, it’s knowing exactly how it’s gonna happen because you wrote it out. Once you see that you can control your story by planning ahead, you will understand that everything is possible.

5. Take it all in stride. It’s a journey.

It’s important to remember that everything takes time. That’s why hitting roadblocks isn’t the worst thing in the world. You will inevitably experience many highs and lows along the way to your goal. It’s so important to take it one day at a time and not be too hard on yourself. What you are experiencing is the natural progression of life. You have the PLAN so you don’t have to worry. Good things come to those who work.

6. The knowing will give you confidence.

When you truly believe you will accomplish something, you start to see yourself differently. You get a pep in your step, you start to feel good about yourself. Knowing that your goals are possible and within your reach will give you confidence to pursue anything. You see yourself as someone who is capable and powerful. You control your story. You will find strength in your beliefs. Being able to visualize success and having a clear plan will give you the confidence to reach for anything and everything you want. 

7. Isn’t a positive mindset easier? 

It takes a lot of energy to feel anxious and upset. Your body acts differently when under stress. Having a negative mindset does so much more harm than good. It really doesn’t accomplish anything but to discourage your and steer you away from your goals. Having a positive mindset is so much more productive. If you always approach life with a glass half full mentality, you will only focus on things that bring you joy and make you feel good. Focusing on the negative only brings more negative into your life. It’s important to see the positive side to each situation so that you can continue to move in the right direction without getting off track.

8. Accepting what’s possible can happen is a spin on Murphy’s Law.

Murphy’s Law states that “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong”. However, there is another way to look at it. If you believe that everything is possible and look for the positives, you will see Murphy’s Law differently. If anything that can go wrong will happen, then anything that can go RIGHT will happen too. Why not, right? If you approach things with a positive mindset, they you realize that there is no reason to assume something bad is coming just because it’s possible. There is always another side to things and having a glass half full approach will only make you happier in the long run. 

9. If you believe you are limitless you will act limitless

As we grow up we are told what to do and what not to do from a very young age. We are taught that there are limits to things and have a hard time seeing around barriers. If you are lucky you grow to learn that everything is possible. You will no longer see limits to your potential. Some may say this is crazy. But they are the ones putting limitations on themselves. When you see that you are capable of amazing things, you pursue your dreams more fiercely and with confidence. You begin to act limitless and go after things even when others don’t believe. There are no limits if you are willing to work for what your want and the sooner you realize that, the sooner you will see good things unfold as if by magic!

10. You will radiate pure love and gratitude.

If you approach everything you do with belief and from a place of positive energy, you will be filled with hope, drive, and excitement for the future. When you truly believe in yourself, it will show up in everything you do. You will experience nothing but gratitude for the abundant potential of each and every day. People will begin to see you differently too. You will stand out from the crowd and you will exude confidence and joy. When you believe everything is possible, you will enjoy life so much more and will constantly be inspired to pursue your dreams!

With all that said, when it comes to you health and fitness goals, it is important to really visualize your success. Belief is the first step and if you can see the new you and truly experience what it means to be that person, the confidence that comes with it will take you far. When you have stepbacks, you will not see them as a reason to quit. You know your future and you know that you can overcome anything. You have a plan and you know what you are capable of. That belief will take you far and you will reach your goals in no time!

The main point I want to make is that it’s time to stop living with regret and fear. Now is the time to act on all the things you always dreamed of. If you have the right plan, you will have the confidence to overcome any challenge. You will be filled with enthusiasm and drive, because nothing is outside your reach. You can literally do anything! Everything is possible!

Always remember, You are capable of amazing things and You are worthy of your wildest dreams!

Until next time friends!



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