Hello friends!
Alas another new year is upon us and this one promises to be more full of possibilities than the last! Though everyone starts off with the new year, new me mentality, we all find it hard to stick to our very lofty resolutions and eventually go back to our old ways. BUT this year will be different!
This year we will start things off on the right foot! On your journey to good health and living life to the fullest, it is important to try something new. Pick up better routines and make choices that work for you not against you. Any long-term change requires a complete mindset shift to be permanent. There should be no going back in your mind.
One of the best ways to do that is to take an inventory of your habits. Your habits make or break you. Your normal routine and old mindset will no longer cut it. As you look back on the year that just passed, you know that there are certain behaviors and choices you need to leave behind. These habits represent the old you, the you who couldn’t follow through with your goals or find success.
Now is the time to become your true self. And that requires a new approach. So below I’ve outlined 15 unhealthy habits to leave behind you that will set you on a path to success. Getting in shape and changing your life for the better takes work and get rid of the habits listed below are a great start to getting to where you want to be.
15 Habits to leave behind you in the New Year
1.Negative self talk
I know it can be very difficult to deal with our faults or lack of progress in any situation. But the worst thing you can do is talk down to yourself when you make mistakes. Remember that you are human! You can’t expect to get it right every time. Life is about trial and error, seeing what works and what doesn’t. It’s really important that you be gentle with yourself.
Self-love is the most important reason you can have for seeking to improve your life. Focusing on the negative will never get you what you want. Ever. Holding every mistake against yourself will not change how things are progressing. You shouldn’t be making changes because you hate the way you look or where you are in life right now. You primary goal should be doing right by yourself and show yourself and your body LOVE. It is the most important thing you can give yourself.
Negative self-talk is poison. You will never get better by dwelling on your faults. It serves no possible purpose except to discourage you. If you do things from a place of love, you will always be motivated to continue. Seeing this as a journey with ups and downs and being kind to yourself is the best way to approach any situation. You main goal should be to love yourself into success and being negative will never get you there.
2. Making excuses
Though negative self-talk is never good, it is important to not completely coddle yourself either. Making excuses will only slow your progress. We all have reasons for why we think we can’t do things. “It’s too hard” or “I’m just not good enough”; these will never get you to where you want to be. If you want to be successful, be real with yourself. Acknowledge what needs to change. We all make excuses. It’s time to overcome them.
When you have something in your life you need to change, you need to deal with all possible issues immediately. There will always be reasons for why you can’t do things. It’s important to move passed them and acknowledge what you CAN do. Start with where you’re at and make an effort to make small, realistic changes. Anything to drastic will only serve to destroy your drive and your confidence if you fail.
If you really want something, you need to accept that you have to work for it. Be ready to do whatever it takes, even when it is difficult. You are capable of amazing things, so stop holding yourself back with ifs and buts. Now is the time for ACTION, so don’t let your mind be your biggest barrier.
3. Going in without a plan
“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”
― Benjamin Franklin
Going into any situation without being fully prepared is the easiest way to fail at whatever you are trying to do. Planning is the most important phase in any endeavor. You need a game plan on how to progress toward your goals. You need steps to take to get there. You can’t go in blind and hope it works out. There is a big difference between hoping something happens and KNOWING something will happen. A solid plan will give you the confidence you need to KNOW you can succeed.
It’s important to do your research. People have probably already done what you are trying to do. It will be easy to put ideas together and actually write out something to work on. You need action steps. Going in without a plan means you are not putting your best foot forward. You will be more confident in your decisions when you have seen that something you are doing is possible. Finding examples, having options of how to proceed in every situation is the best way to make sure you are fully prepared for the task at hand.
Make it a habit to plan for every possibility. You will find that you are successful in most things you seek to accomplish when you are ready to take action from the start. Taking some time in the beginning to create a game plan will pay off in the end. While everyone else is wishing and hoping, you will KNOW you have what it takes and that will ensure that you succeed.
4. Overindulgence
We as humans are very self-indulgent. We are too quick to go for whatever feels good or tastes good. Which is not always a bad thing. We work hard and deserve to bring ourselves the simple joys of life. However, having too much of a good thing is definitely possible.
Food is a perfect example. We all have our moments of overindulgence with food. There is so much in terms of variety and taste that it’s so easy to get lost in your love of a good meal or dessert. The endless options, new dishes and creations that come out every day; food addiction has become a very real thing. And this can lead to some very real consequences, specifically addiction, weight gain, and lifestyle diseases to name a few.
Even when we are on a quest to better health, it is still difficult to overcome the mindset of overindulgence. Cheat days are a perfect example. Even when on a diet, many of us cannot live our new lifestyles without the opportunity to break the diet rules on a regular basis. We are mentally attached to our vices and the need to feel good. Alcohol and drug addiction are clear indicators of that.
In this new year it is a good idea to find better ways to cope with your surroundings. You need better distractions, more things that bring you happiness and joy. Whether it is spending time with loved ones, exercise, or picking up a new hobby; it is so important that you learn to break free from the obsessive need for pleasure. While there is a time and place for these things we love, we cannot continue to rely on these things to make us happy. Let this be the year you make actual changes that will bring real happiness to your life.
5. Sugar addiction
Having too much sugar is a huge health risk. There are so many negative side effects to eating sugar that incorporating it into your life ultimately does more harm than good. For one thing sugar is highly addictive and can cause many health problems when eaten in excess. Like any drug, sugar causes serious craving and can have very bad withdrawal symptoms when you go without.
Sugar has been known to impair brain function and cause a cognitive fog. It can cause hyperactivity and the inability to concentrate. Too much sugar is a contributing factor in depression and anxiety. Consuming excess sugar over time can cause plaque to form in your brain and can later lead to dementia and memory loss. Sugar also promotes cancer growth and suppresses the immune system.
One of the biggest issues with sugar is that it plays a significant role in weight gain. Excess sugar in the body often stores as fat, making it a leading cause of obesity and diabetes. Sugar addiction can greatly change your body chemically and in appearance. There are so many negative effects to sugar that trying to list them all here is not practical. Click here to read my post on The #1 Thing You Need to Give Up to Lose Weight. Hint hint: it’s sugar! Quitting sugar is one of the best things you can do for yourself and my post lists some great ways to make that happen.
6. Inactivity
Everyone knows that exercise is important. But not everyone is actually doing it! There are so many benefits to working out regularly, so let me remind you. There is the obvious opportunity to transform your body. There is plenty of proof out there that exercise helps with weight loss. Not only that but you can completely change your body composition. And the strength you gain, both physical and mental, is unparalleled by any other experience.
Exercise is a natural antidepressant. Ever heard of the runner’s high? The endorphins released when working out have the power to completely alter your mood and make you feel accomplished. You also will find that you have a lot more energy when you workout. You sleep better and more peacefully. Exercise is just a simple way to really transform your life and be the strong person you were meant to be. I’ve given you a lot of examples on how to get your workouts in. If you are looking to upgrade your life and get active, check out my posts here to get Your ultimate HIIT guide: 20 High Intensity Interval Training workouts that you can try today and here to get your 31 Day Fit Kit Workout Plan.
7. Underestimating the power of water
Water might just be the most important thing we consume (besides oxygen) and it’s important to make sure you are drinking enough of it. Our bodies are made up of 60-70% water and it is vital to all processes within the body. Here is a list of just some of the benefits of staying hydrated:
- Water delivers oxygen to all parts of the body.
- It protects the brain, spinal cord, and all vital organs.
- Water improves the health and beauty of our skin.
- It lubricates the joints.
- It regulates body temperature.
- Water improves and supports exercise performance.
- It maintains blood pressure.
- It transports nutrients throughout our bodies and flushes the body of waste.
- It is a vital part of our digestive system.
These are just some of the MANY roles that water plays in our body function! Needless to say it is sooooo important that we get enough of it every day. While there is no consensus on exactly how much we need to drink, it is clear that we drastically underestimate its importance in our lives.
8. Not getting enough sleep
We all underestimate the importance of sleep in our lives. It is such a basic element of the human existence, yet we don’t appreciate or prioritize it as much as we should. Too many people try to function on much less than the recommended 7-9 hours a night and frankly it shows.
There are so many detrimental effects to lack of sleep that they are more than worth mentioning to anyone you know. Getting the right amount of sleep is vital for proper brain function, alertness, and cognitive ability. Sleep deprivation also impairs judgement. It greatly affects appetite control and energy metabolism and can lead to significant weight gain.
Not sleeping enough can weaken your immune system because sleeping is when your body does most of its repair and growth. Poor sleep is directly related to poor heart health and damaged skin. Sleep deprivation can be a big factor in depression and can even increase risk of death. Getting enough sleep is vital to all parts of the human experience and we should all work hard to make it a priority in the new year.
9. Eating out too much
Eating out at restaurants or takeout is a favorite pastime for almost everyone. It’s a chance to go out, spend time with loved ones, enjoy good food, and just take a break from the usual routine. And there is nothing wrong with that! However, it can easily become a bad habit if not closely monitored.
There are several negatives to eating out too often. One is that you don’t always know what’s in your food. You don’t know what ingredients are being used, what oils and additives; you do not have complete control of what goes on the plate. Cooking at home is a great way to know exactly what you are eating and make sure you have the highest quality and healthiest meal you can.
Another downfall to eating out is that you can easily overestimate the calories you are eating. For the most part, portion sizes are much bigger in restaurant food and you really cannot get a good handle on how much you are actually eating. This makes it difficult to account for meals out because you are not able to perfectly track what’s on the plate. The serving sizes in America are often very large and you may end up eating much more than you intended.
The last downfall I want to share is obviously spending too much money. It is much cheaper to buy weekly groceries than to spend $10, $15, $20 per person at each meal. If you are going out or ordering in on a regular basis these meals can really add up. Cooking at home saves you a lot of money over time. While eating out is a great way to treat yourself, minimizing how much you eat out can really help you in the long run.
10. Eating too fast
Another habit to leave behind is eating too fast. When you eat too fast you really don’t enjoy your food as much. You need to give yourself time to savor each bite and really experience the meal. Eating often brings joy and slowing things down is a great way to fully enjoy the experience.
And there are other negatives to eating too fast. For one thing when you scarf down your food, you are not giving your body time to process its different signals. They say it takes the body about 20 minutes to register that it is full. If you eat faster than that, you are not giving you body time to tell you to stop. This can lead to you becoming uncomfortably full, which is not a good feeling.
When you eat too fast, you can also experience side effects like burping, reflux, heartburn, and bloating, which all can sour the eating experience. Take the time to savor your food by putting down you fork between bites and taking sips of water. Give your body time to adjust and make sure you don’t eat more than you need to. There is no benefit to eating too fast, so enjoy the moment when it comes. A great meal deserves your time and slowing down gives you a chance to appreciate it as a blessing rather than a chore.
11. Distracted eating
Along with eating too fast is eating while distracted. Again, you are not taking the time to enjoy your food. Eating is an experience and if you are eating without thinking, you are missing the point. Turn off the TV and sit at a table. You’ll find when you eat while distracted, you eat much more than you intend to. This is because you are unconscious to what is going into you body.
Eating mindlessly can lead to weight gain simply because you are not controlling what you are consuming. It can lead to over snacking and taking in more calories than your body needs. This going hand in hand with eating when you are bored. It is just a waste and doesn’t lead to any enjoyment, which we know is an important part of the eating experience.
12. Eating too late at night
Another negative eating pattern is eating too late at night. When you sleep you want your body to focus on repair and growth. If you eat too late, your body has to spend time digesting, which takes away from the other important effects of sleep. You can end up with digestive pains and heartburn simply because of the time you eat. You may also compromise you quality of sleep with frequent trips to the bathroom. By stopping your eating early, you give your body time to fully digest and you will sleep more soundly.
When you eat at night, you most likely aren’t making the best choices. If you work hard to stay healthy during the day, don’t ruin it with that midnight snack. I’m sure that when you plan your meals, you don’t account for that late night snack. Therefore, you end up eating much more than you intended for the day. This can easily lead to weight gain and will sabotage all the work you put in during the day.
13. Turning to food in times of stress
It is an understatement to say that we live in a pretty stressful time. With so many commitments and things that need to get done, it is no wonder that people are begging for ways to cope. One very prevalent behavior that many of us exhibit is turning to food when stressed. Whether it be a job or relationship, trouble at home or with school; it has become very common for people to use food to cope with hardship.
This behavior can easily lead to weight gain, because overconsumption is a very real consequence of stress eating. And we usually don’t make the best choices when eating because of emotional strain. You most likely do not feel better after a binge, which can lead to feelings of guilt and will increase the effects of stress.
The best way to combat this is to find new coping mechanisms. Things like exercise, talking to a friend or family member, therapy, or any other constructive distraction or hobby is the best way to avoid the need to eat when stressed. It is important to face stressful aspects of your life head on or risk creating more problems for yourself. Take steps to decrease the stress in your life and you will do wonders for your overall health and wellbeing.
14. Drinking your calories
The worst thing you can do for your healthy eating journey is to drink your calories. When you are meal planning and calorie counting, you do not want to waste calories on what you drink. You goal should try to maximize the solid food you can eat so that you are fully satisfied by the end of the day.
When you drink your calories, it is so easy to overdo it. Sodas, juices, smoothies, sugary coffees; it is so easy to lose track of how many calories you are actually consuming. It is a waste to have to account for these things when there are great calorie-free options to go with instead. One thing that really saved me was finding a great replacement for soda: seltzer water! You get the same experience of the bubbles and some flavor but there are 0 zero calories involved. Also, drinking black coffee or tea is an option. If you do need to flavor your morning brew, an option is sugar free sweeteners, which many don’t recommend but I use anyway because I’m human. I also use almond milk instead of cream to lessen the caloric effect.
There are so many ways to cut calories but the easiest by far is switching to plain water. For those of you who cannot do plain water, there are all kinds options out there to replacements. There are sugar free versions of everything, though some are not always recommended. Focus on getting the most out of your meal rather than turning to over-sweetened beverages. They don’t do you any favors and simply aren’t satisfying in the long run.
15. Not asking for help
It is important to remember that you never have to be alone in anything you do. We all need support in some way or another to succeed in our goals. Having accountability and guidance can go a long way in succeeding in any goal you want to accomplish. Support could be the difference between success and failure in any situation. You need someone to talk to, to bounce ideas off of, and to talk you down from making the wrong decision.
Don’t underestimate the power of support. It is not a sign of weakness. Knowing you cannot do something alone does not mean you don’t believe in yourself. In fact it’s the opposite. You want to give yourself every advantage you can. It is okay to not know everything. No one expects you to. That is why you have people in your life. We are social beings and we are meant to support each other. That is the nature of our species. Embrace the power of working together and you will go far.
There are many resources out there to explore and countless avenues to take in your search for allies. You may have friends and family members who are in an exact position to be what you need in times of struggle. You can also seek out a mentor who has the experience in their toolkit to make an impact in your life. Lastly, you can hire a coach for almost anything you want to succeed in. Coaches are advocates that specialize in what you are trying to accomplish and can provide the guidance you need to achieve you goals.
If you are looking for support and guidance for in making concrete lifestyle changes that support weight loss and self-healing, I’m here to offer you a chance to enroll in my Transformation Coaching Program. I will provide you with advice and techniques to make this the time you succeed where you have failed in the past. I am available to offer my services to anyone that is looking to upgrade their life. Click here to learn more about my program. There is no better time than NOW to change your life!
Starting the year off right is so important. It sets the tone for the weeks and months to come. Breaking bad habits and adopting a new mindset around better habits are the best way to get yourself to the next level. If you are looking to upgrade your life, start with the things you do every day. You will find that good things flow more naturally when you have a new approach. Renewed health and wellness is totally possible. It just requires the right strategy. Check out my post here for Your mini guide to defeating bad habits for good. Also take a look at my post here about 8 Mindset shifts to help you get healthy and lose weight. This is the perfect time to make positive changes to start living your best life!
Always remember, You are capable of amazing things and You are worthy of your wildest dreams!
Until next time friends!