Hello friends!
So you’re on this journey. You have been killing you nutrition lately and you know it’s time to kick it up a notion. You’ve reached that point where you need a new challenge. You may know this already but it’s worth repeating: exercise is such a valuable aspect of any fitness journey. And strength training is a vital part of any exercise regiment. Watching yourself grow in strength and in speed, pushing yourself to your physical limits. There’s nothing like it! But you need a foolproof plan. But the Gym?…..
….is not for everyone…And that’s okay! Because guess what? It IS possible to get the body of your dreams from the comfort of your own home! There are many, many directions you could go to help you get strong and fit. But the simplest way?? Introducing the Lamour Fitness Machine Home Gym Total Body Fitness Kit! AND……
Exciting news! The Lamour Fitness Machine Total Body Strength Training Fit Kit is officially for sale on Amazon! Now you have access to the must convenient fitness system around. Create custom workouts that will shape your body and get in the best shape of your life! The sheer possibilities of this product cannot be overstated. Don’t know if the Fit Kit is right for you? Here are 4 very important reasons you NEED the Fit Kit in your life!
1. Your new well-rounded fitness experience.
The Fit Kit is exactly what you need to start your fitness journey. It’s perfect for athletes of all levels to shape their workout routines in a new way. The items in the Kit include: resistance bands, a jump rope, an exercise ball, resistance tubes, sliders, a yoga mat, and a bonus cooling towel.
All in one. I had to buy each piece separately to assemble my kit. You can get yours conveniently in one package with the Fit Kit.
This product is a totally different from any other workout system out there. The kit uses resistance equipment rather than heavy machinery or a lot of weight. It is a revolutionary approach to fitness that makes it possible for anyone to get into the best shape of their lives.
2. No Gym Required!
Imagine getting your workout done every day in the comfort of your own home. The Fit Kit provides everything you need so that you NEVER HAVE TO STEP FOOT IN A GYM AGAIN! Whether it’s a lazy day in or the weather is bad, the Fit Kit gives everything you need to do your workouts right from home.
Get your morning workout in even in the dead of winter. Work out after work without having to beat back the crowds at the busiest times of the day. The Fit Kit is the perfect tool to make fitness as convenient and accessible as possible. You can take it with you anywhere you go. Whether it’s a business trip or fun vacation. No more excuses! The Fit Kit will help you make sure you can get a workout in anytime, anywhere!
3. The Ultimate Total Body Experience
Each item in the Fit Kit was selected to create a total body workout experience. From upper body to lower body, arms, legs, core, and booty, this Kit covers all the basics. Create heart pumping High Intensity Interval Training routines. Target individual body parts with precision to create fun and effective strength training workouts.
This kit is also perfect for those who are seeking low impact workouts and is very customizable to work well for people with all abilities. With the increasing resistances offered in the Fit Kit, you will see great changes and watch your body transform right before your eyes! Challenge yourself to push beyond your limits and quickly meet your fitness goals!
4. Never get bored again!
There are literally hundreds of combinations of exercises you can do with the Fit Kit to customize you workouts to your goals. Each item offers a multitude of routine building blocks to really focus on each part of the body. I will be coming out with a guide of all the exercises you can do to create truly unique and effective routines.
The items in the Fit Kit are also useful for other workout programs too. I am part of the Tone It Up community and I can tell you with confidence that you will use every item in this kit during you experience with Tone It Up or any home workout program like it.
So there you have it, 4 reasons you NEED this Fit Kit in your life. It is truly the most versatile fitness routine on the market and it is only available on Amazon at a really great price. Look out for my Fit Kit guide that I’m putting together to provide you with everything you need to revamp your fitness routine! In the meantime click HERE to receive your FREE Strength Training starter guide and 31 day challenge. Click the button below to get your Fit Kit today!
Always remember, You are capable of amazing things and You are worthy of your wildest dreams!
Until next time friends!