Hello friends!
So there is a lot of pressure put on us to become our “true selves” overnight. There are way too many YouTube videos about how this person lost 100 lbs. in 6 months or that person dropped 6 dress sizes in 3 months. It’s totally unrealistic! No one is successful that way, not for long.
Getting in shape is a marathon not a sprint. Cliche but true. Success is a collection of a million choices that all work together to create big changes. We need to look at the choices we make every day that lead to the results we see. The best way to get started is by making small gradual changes to your lifestyle that can add up to serious results.
It’s time to finally take control of your life. It’s time to finally take the action steps necessary to be successful. I know that, armed with all the right strategies and techniques, anyone can live their best life. It’s a matter of incorporating a variety of new techniques to find the balance that they need the make
Here are 60 different things you can do to increase your chances of being successful. Your choices create habits. And if you develop the right habits you will put yourself in position to see some amazing progress and get closer to our goals.
So in no particular order:
1. Drink all the water
Out bodies are basically made of mostly water. Every cell in our body needs water to function properly. Water flushes out toxins and makes sure your body is working efficiently. There is a lot of talk about how much water you should actually be drinking, but I tend to go by half my body weight in ounces. Staying hydrated is a huge part of getting a fit, healthy body.
2. Move towards a plant-based diet
I am a huge advocate for the plant-based lifestyle. I think it is the answer to most modern health problems. In a country where a majority of the population are overweight due to diet, I believe a direct cure to these issues is plant-based eating. Read all about it here.
3. Sugar detox
Sugar is the devil. It is the root of most of the problems in the Standard American Diet. Check on my post here about the damage that sugar can cause.
4. Cut out processed food
Very closely related to sugar is the massive amount of processed garbage it’s used to create. Eating processed foods is so detrimental to your health. Eating these man-made foods brings with it added chemicals and sugars that can severely impact your health. All those chips and cookies and fast food delights are directly contributing to any number of health issues.
5. Keep it out of the house
The best way to succeed at cutting these things out is to keep it out of the house. It is so important to just avoid temptation and not buy it at all. Even if you eat dessert at a restaurant or drinks with dinner, not taking it home is what keeps a simple indulgence from becoming a full blown problem.
6. Take 10,000 steps a day at minimum
So you may know that I am a huge fan of the Fitbit Charge 3. It is so great for tracking my physical health throughout the week. It checks my heart rate, calories burned, sleep patterns, tracks my cycle, receives phone notifications, and of course tracks my steps. I think getting to 10,000 (which is the default goal) is a great way to ensure that you are getting in enough activity. It measures close to about 5 miles of movement a day! Getting to 10,000 steps a day is a great way to start adding in more activity to your day.
7. Take the stairs
It’s such a simple idea but it forces you to squeeze in more activity adds to your steps. Take every opportunity to use your body rather than do the convenient thing. Every single calorie burned and muscled moved is a step in the right direction.
8. Eat protein for breakfast
There are 3 major macro nutrients in our food: carbs, proteins, and fats. They are all very important and serve different purposes. Protein is crucial to muscle growth and helps keep you full longer. People tend to eat breakfasts full of carbs: cereals, oatmeal, muffins, pancakes, etc. This is a mistake. Having protein first thing in the morning is a great way to make sure you are satisfied and well nourished for the day. Protein helps stabilize you blood sugar and helps you feel full longer than carb-filled options. This means you’ll eat less during the day and still be satisfied.
9. Make breakfast your biggest meal
Starting you day with your largest meal helps make sure you fully digest and process everything you have eaten by the end of the day. When you eat your largest meal at night, you do not have enough time to digest before bed. Decreasing the size of your meal throughout the day is a great way to make sure you stay within a healthy amount of calories that your body can process.
10. Try a plant-based protein supplement
So I said to add protein because it is a huge factor in a healthy diet. But I also did say to try plant-based sources whenever possible. One of the best ways to do this is using plant-based protein supplements. Fortunately, I found a great one early on and have been using it for smoothies, pancakes, muffins, and other baked goods. My absolute favorite protein powder is Orgain Organic Plant Based Protein Powder, Vanilla Bean. Tastes great, no after taste, and I use it for so many things!
11. Drink at home brewed coffee
Dunkin’ and Starbucks are great. But the reality is that the sugar in those drinks isn’t doing us any favors, not to mention the price you have to pay for the pleasure of drinking them. You best bet is to stick to home brewed coffee. You can buy your favorite coffees and just have them at home. Then you have total control of the sugar and dairy content of your morning brew.
12. Drink green tea
A great alternative to coffee is green tea. It has the caffeine you need and also contains fat burning properties. Green tea might be a great replacement if you are looking to take a break from coffee. Plus, it can taste a lot better black than some coffees.
13.Try intermittent fasting
Intermittent fasting (IF) involves eating for certain periods of time and fasting (not eating) for certain periods of time. There are many different ways to approach IF and there are many benefits to trying this way of eating. It is not a diet per say but instead a method of deciding WHEN you eat. There are a lot of great benefits to IF, one being the effect in has on the body’s fat burning processes.
14. Use smaller plates
Sometimes you can just trick yourself into eating less and this tip does just that. Our eyes are bigger than our stomachs and we have a tendency to serve ourselves more than we can eat. Using a smaller plate gets over that struggle. You can still fill your plate and eat it all but you will be consuming less calories simply because of the size of your plate. It’s a trick of the mind if anything else.
15. Put down your fork after every few bites
So one think I am guilty of is eating too fast. It’s so easy to just inhale your favorite meals without a thought. It takes about 20 minutes for your body to know that it’s full. Putting down your fork every few bites gives your brain time to catch up to your stomach and signal that you are full.
16. Be prepared with healthy snacks
Nothing is worse than being hungry and finding yourself without healthy options in a world sweet and salty temptation. Having healthy snacks on hand is a great way to make sure you stick to your goals and can be the key to resisting the massive amount of processed temptation you’re surrounded by.
17. Add some spice
One way to use less sugar and fat in our cooking is to season our meals with a variety of spices. Creating healthy meals can be fun when you think of the sheer possibility that spices can bring when it comes to cooking. Plus, when you use spicy ingredients like cayenne pepper and paprika, they have the added bonus of raising your metabolism and burning more calories.
18. Eat more fiber
Eating a diet rich in fiber (found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes) helps you stay full longer, which can be very helpful when you are trying to limit how much you eat. Dietary fiber is very important in maintaining a proper digestion and helps to maintain a healthy weight. This works to lower your risk of diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer.
19. Fill up on veggies first
Like it or not, we all know how important getting enough vegetables is to eating a balanced diet of all the necessary nutrients. Therefore, choosing to start with veggies is a great way to make sure you get them into the meal. Loading up on greens when you begin eating is a great way to make sure you are getting the quality ingredients your diet needs.
20. Focus on healthy fats
There is this common misconception that all fat is bad for you. This is simply not the case. Good fats like avocados and nuts are an important part of every diet, as the help reduce bad cholesterol and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Believe it or not there are good fats and your body needs them to function properly. These fats are full of healthy nutrients have the added bonus of keeping you full longer which is great for weight maintainance.
21. Don’t drink your calories
One of the worst things you can do is drink your calories. It’s so easy to down a bottle of soda or a cup of sweetened coffee but those quickly consumed beverages add up to a lot of weight gain. Cutting sweetened beverages out of your diet alone can help you shed the pounds without much change to your eating regiment.
22. Try to de-stress and avoid cravings
One leading causes of weight change is stress. When you are stressed, you body produces a hormone called cortisol that can cause cravings, increases appetite, and promote the formation of belly fat. By working on your stress levels and creating a self-care routine, you will make sure that stress does not play a role in shaping your body.
23. Don’t skip meals
Skipping meals reeks havoc on your metabolism. When your body doesn’t know when the next meal is coming, it will go into starvation mode and slow down your metabolism, thus holding on to the fat you are trying to lose. In order to successfully change your body, you need to make sure you are eating the right amount of calories for your body. When malnourished your body does not function at it’s peak. We need a certain amount of calories to maintain our bodies and skipping meals is quick way to throw a wrench in the whole thing.
24. Don’t grocery shop on an empty stomach
When you go food shopping it is very easy to buy way more than you actually intend to. If you go on an empty stomach you are fighting a losing battle against your cravings. It is so difficult to resist temptation when you are hungry. With a whole store of bad decisions waiting to be made, walking in on a full stomach ensures you won’t let your eyes cause trouble.
25. Take a list and time yourself
Another way to resist temptation when food shopping is to bring a list. By making a list, you take the guess work out of the trip. You know why you’re there and will only have to work on staying on task. Keeping to a specific time limit can also decrease your likelihood to stray. With a list and a time frame, you will be equip to get in and get out without too much time to think and make bad choices.
26. Learn your caloric needs
If you didn’t know it before, here’s a lesson: weight loss is a numbers game. There are 3,500 calories in one pound. So to lose one pound a week you need to cut 500 calories from you diet every day. First you need to find out your basal metabolic rate, which is the number of calories your body burns at rest, i.e. the amount of energy necessary to maintain your bodily functions. However, this doesn’t take into account any activity. When you work out you require more calories to maintain your weight. Now to lose weight you should cut 500 calories a day through diet or burn an extra 500 calories through exercise to lose a pound a week. Knowing your numbers will be very value in planning your journey.
27. Out of sight out of mind
One simple method for avoiding temptation is literally keeping it out of sight. If you do not indulge in your craving and just stay away for junk, you will learn to not crave it anymore. When you are constantly surrounded by all your favorite treats, willpower can only go so far and you will not be successful in resisting. Keeping these things out of your regular routine will help you stay strong and kick those vices for good.
28. Practice mindful eating
Eating mindfully means closely paying attention to the experience of eating. This means eating slowing, pausing between bites, and really tasting your food. Mindful eating helps you savor your meals and helps you listen to your body when it is full. By slowing down, removing distractions, and paying attention to what you are eating, you will come to see food differently and will be better able to listen to the cues of your body.
29. Pack your lunch
Planning ahead is the best way to make sure you stick to your healthy lifestyle. By packing your lunch every day you put the power back in your hands. If you usually purchase your lunch, you will be limited to the food choices that are available and may not have the opportunity to make good choices. When you take back control and pack your own meals, you know exactly what it in your food and know you are doing the best you can to stick to your plan.
30. Read labels
Speaking of knowing what’s in your food, always always read labels! Modern food choices are full of chemicals. Whether it’s a million different names for sugar or the amount of trans fat and poor quality ingredients, it is so easy to lose that sense of ownership when it comes to your diet. By reading labels and finding out what is in the food you eat every day, you will put the power of good health in your hands.
31. Eat the rainbow
This means eating a huge variety of fruits and vegetables. Eating the rainbow means you consuming a plethora of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals represented in the beautiful array of colors. There is so much power in eating this way as you are giving the body exactly what it needs from the source.
32. Shop the perimeter of the store
Have you ever noticed that all supermarkets have the same basic layout? All the cookies, cereals, fruit juices, ice creams, frozen pizza; all of that stuff is always in the center in the aisles. Produce is always to one side, with meat and dairy forming the rest of the perimeter. You can find healthy versions of everything around the outside of the perimeter. You will likely only need 5-10% of what’s in the aisles, things like beans, whole grains, and spices. If you’re eating a diet of whole food, you will rarely need those aisle products at all.
33. Avoid fat free
When people hear the words “fat free” they seem to thing that it means healthy. This is where reading your labels is important. When they remove the fat, the food loses favor and that favor needs to be replaced. And what do they replace it with? SUGAR! And we already know how that story goes. Plus, this obsession with fat free implies that all fat is bad, which is simply not the case.
34. Skip condiment calories
Same reason! Most condiments and sauces are filled with sugar. It’s the ultimate flavor additive. We as a society are clearly addicted to sugar and condiments are a perfect example of that addiction. For a more flavorful experience, choose spices instead!
35. Cut out fried foods
Fried foods are an absolutely no-no. Foods fried in vegetable oil have no nutritional value and are key dietary contributors to chronic diseases including obesity, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and hypertension. You really have no reason to eat fried foods. There are alternative cooking methods that create amazingly satisfying dishes that make frying complete unnecessary. Trying grilling, steaming, or baking. These require no oil and really do the job right.
36. Make healthy shifts to old favorites
All this doesn’t mean you have to give up your favorite foods all together! It is totally possible to enjoy them by making some changes to the unhealthy elements. You can still have french fried and fried chicken if you’re into that. Just trying baking them instead. Try mustard over things like ketchup and mayo. Make your own dressings and choose spices over extra sugar. It is possible to have it all. You just need accept change and enjoy the fact that you are doing the best for your body.
37. Look up the menu before you go
When eating out, it’s really important to have a game plan. When you are trying to eat healthy, it may be difficult to find something you can eat from a restaurant menu. One thing you can do is look up the restaurant menu before you get there. Then you have time to figure out what you are going to eat before hand and you will not be scrambling when you get there.
38. Don’t be afraid to ask for changes when needed
When you’re at the restaurant, you may see things that would be good with just tweak. It’s totally okay that ask for that change. You’re the customer and it’s important that you get what serves you best. Any restaurant that has a problem with this doesn’t deserve your money. That is not to say that you should create your own meal. But it is possible to get what you want if you speak up for yourself.
39. Cut meals out in half for later
When you do decide to get something off the menu as is, one thing you can do to avoid overeating is taking half of the entree to go. You can cut the meal in half and eat the rest for another meal. You can also share the meal with someone else. These options help you cut down on calories while still enjoying your favorite foods.
40. Don’t deprive yourself
One of the worst things you can do on your journey is completely cut out some of your absolute favorites. This is not sustainable and you will fail in this effort. Instead plan your treats ahead of time. Everything in moderation! If you know you have a party coming up, it’s okay to enjoy good food and not feel guilty. It’s when you make it a habit that you fall off your plan. Some people like to have a cheat meal every once in a while so as not to go crazy. You shouldn’t feel guilty for treating yourself and you shouldn’t see it as cheating.
41. Institute meal prep Sunday
The #1 thing you can do to ensure you stick to your plan is meal prep! One day a week you prepare every meal you will need for the week. This completely takes the guess work out of eating. Cook things you enjoy and add lots of variety. I follow the Tone It Up Nutrition Plan and I love having amazing options to choose from every week. By staying prepared you will feel empowered knowing you have everything you need to succeed.
43. Brush your teeth after you eat
This may seem strange but it works! When you brush your teeth after eating, food doesn’t taste as good if you eat again because of the minty flavor. Brushing your teeth signals to your brain that the time for eating is over. This can stop you in your tracks when you want to eat out of boredom and you’re not actually hungry.
44. Start a journaling practice
The reality is that some of us are prone to eating our feelings. We eat out of boredom, we eat when we’re stressed, sad, depressed, etc. One thing that can help you express your feelings without food is journaling. Writing in a journal helps you deal with the issues you are experiencing that force you to eat in the first place. Try working through your problems on paper. Once you have time to vent you will find that your need for comfort will diminish.
45. Make an effort to move more every day
This is really important because it is so important to stay active. Most of us sit most of every day and this sedentary lifestyle can be very detrimental to our health. Making a point to move more is a great way to counteract this problem. This means planning to workout for at least 30 minutes. Taking the stairs instead, choosing to walk rather than driving or taking Uber. These little changes add up and make for bigger results down the line.
46. Strength train daily
Strength training is an absolute must in any fitness regime for so many reasons. It creates muscle and muscles take more energy to maintain than fat. I’m sure you’ve heard that more muscle means more calories burned. And more calories burned means more fat loss. It also means that you will be burning calories long after you’ve finished working out. Strength training creates more long and lean muscle that makes you feel stronger and helps shape your body better than cardio. You can easily create a strength training program now without a gym membership. Check out this post to learn why my Fit Kit is the perfect way to start resistance training from the comfort of your own home!
47. Try High Intensity Interval Training
One of my favorite training styles of training without question is HIIT. It is so effective and requires just a short amount of time. You could burn more calories with HIIT workout faster than most other kinds of cardio. And it speeds up your metabolism for hours. You burn long after you are done working out because of excess post-exercise oxygen consumption or EPOC. The afterburn means you are burning fat faster. HIIT also builds muscle and can be done without any equipment. It is great for your heart health and is very effective for weight loss. HIIT is an effective, dynamic way of working out and there are thousands of workout online to get you started.
48. Explore different workouts
Sometimes it is hard to know where to start with your fitness journey. When it comes to workout programs, there are soooo many to choose from. But that is the beauty of the whole thing. There is so much opportunity to explore different types of workouts, different types of classes, online and in person, at home or at the gym. The possibilities are endless. That means there is no way you won’t find something you enjoy! Stay open-minded and try as many as it takes to find the one (or ones!) that’s right for you.
49. Find a new hobby
One of the best ways to stay on track with your fitness plan is to find things you love doing instead of eating. Distraction is great for passing time constructively. Find something new you love doing and do it often. You need something that lights your fire, something you can devote your energy into. For one, you’ll be happier and two, you won’t eat out of boredom. Find your passion and you may discover new sides of yourself instead of doing things you will regret.
50. Find a great playlist
Music is a great motivator. When you’re not doing a video, it’s great to have a great playlist to help pass the time in the workout. I love doing my self-paced routines to high energy dance music, because it really gives me the energy to crush my workouts. That’s why most classes at the gym are loud and pumped it. These feelings of elation are really great for motivating you to work harder for every minute of it.
51. Schedule your workouts
So we all know how important it is to work out, but it can sometimes be difficult to find the time to actually get it done. Our days can easily get away from us before we know it we’re too tired to do it. This is why it is important to have a plan ahead of time. When you dedicate a specific part of your day to your workout, you are showing yourself love and devotion. It’s easy to get side tracked, so it’s important to have a routine and a schedule, at least when it comes to your workouts. I try to workout as soon as I get home before anything else. Others may find morning workouts to be great because you get it out of the way immediately. Whenever you decide to do it, the only way to make sure it gets done is to schedule it ahead of time. Then make that commitment to yourself to really stick to it.
52. Start slow with gradual change
Now this is a really long list. It would be impossible to enact everything all at once. That’s why it’s important to start slow. Add one or two strategies at a time. Every step counts and the more you take the time to get confident with each change, the more likely they will all stick. Make changes that fit easily into your life and you will find that you CAN actually do this.
53. Set small goals and milestones
Now it’s important to walk into this journey with a game plan. You need to know why you’re doing it and you need something to work towards. However, looking to end can be very daunting. It is hard see it happening without clear markers that show you are progressing. That’s why it’s important to set small goals along the way. Whether it’s every 10 pounds or every increase in dumbbell weight, having milestones to accomplish will increase your confidence and show yourself that you are capable to achieving your goals.
54. Find support and accountability
One of the most valuable parts of this journey is having support. With people cheering you on, you will have the strength to make the changes necessary to stay the course. It’s also great to have an accountability buddy to go through this journey with you. Someone to turn to when things get hard, someone who knows your struggle and is by you side through the whole thing. It will be a long road and it can feel impossible. Having people around you to support you will be a key factor in helping you stick with it.
55. Visualize your success
It is important that you believe you can succeed. It needs to be real for you. You need to know without a shadow of a doubt that you can do it. You need to practice living life as if it’s here. You need to be able to see and visualize the new you as who you are becoming now. They say seeing is believing. You need to see it so clearly in your mind that it feels real. This will grow your confidence and speed you along your path.
56. Take measurements and track progress
It is soooo important to keep track of your progress. Take measurements and pictures to keep record of how your doing. When these numbers change, you will gain confidence in your ability to be successful. Read about the importance of tracking the changes in you body here.
57. Reward yourself, but not with food
It’s important to acknowledge when you’re doing well. It feels great to reward ourselves for a job well done and there is nothing wrong with that. However, we need to stop using food as a motivation. It’s important to find things that make us happy that will not jeopardize the work we have done. That’s why we need non food prizes that excite us and make us want to continue forward. Whether it’s a new pair of shoes or a trip somewhere new, these kinds of gifts to ourselves are the ones that truly matter. Learn to see food as fuel and get excited for the many other good things in life.
58. Celebrate non scale victories
It is easy to get bogged down by the number on the scale. But there are so many other ways to see progress. Whether it’s your clothes fitting differently, being able to lift more weight, or having the stamina to finish a longer run, these are the things worth celebrating. It’s important to see all the ways your body is changing. The scale only shows a piece of the greater puzzle that is your success. It’s time to start seeing those differences and celebrating every step as a victory in the right direction.
59. Make it a lifestyle change, not a diet
In order to be successful on your fitness journey, you need to acknowledge that all these changes will have to become your new life. None of these tips can be temporary. You need to see this not as a diet but as your new lifestyle. You can never go back to the way you used to live because you will end up right back where you were. It’s time to embrace this new way of living, knowing that you are doing the absolute best for yourself. These are all good things! The minute you learn to see the magic of living this way, the more likely you are to accomplish your dream!
60. Learn to enjoy the ride and appreciate your hard work
Above all enjoy your new life! You have opened yourself up to a whole new world of possibilities and it is very exciting. Stop and smell the roses. Enjoy every step of the way, every milestone, every new level you reach. You are doing the best thing you can do for yourself and it’s important to savor it. From here on out your life is going to change for the better. You need to appreciate all the hard work you’ve put in and truly feel proud of yourself. You deserve all the magic and love that is coming to you. Enjoy the victories and revel in the accomplishments. You deserve it!
Always remember, You are capable of amazing things and You are worthy of your wildest dreams!
Until next time friends!