Hello friends!
So one thing I am very passionate about is plant-based eating. During my service year in Los Angeles, I consumed a lot of information about the plant-based lifestyle (not diet). I dove head first into that life style and really changed everything I was eating. I was lucky to find the documentaries that really sold me on the the amazing benefits of eating this way. My top 5 are:
- Forks Over Knives
- Hungry for Change
- Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead
- What the Health
- Food Matters
Click HERE to learn more about my favorite plant-based documentaries.
People get really sensitive when you suggest that meat and dairy could be anything more than delicious. The Standard American Diet is very deeply tied to animal products. Some people refuse to even discuss just the idea of how much better following a whole foods plant based diet could dramatically change their lives.
Our society is deeply rooted in the carnivore style. Still, a lot of people have begun seeing things differently. It is interesting to see that the rise in celebrity plant-based eaters has sparked a change in the taboo status of a meatless diet.
Still, there is a lot of resistance to the idea of making this shift in dietary mindset. There are still many doubters of the benefits of this lifestyle. Today I thought I would debunk some of the myths that are keeping people from changing their lives with this lifestyle.
Myth #1: There is no proof that a whole foods plant based diet is the best for your.
So I’d like to clarify that a whole foods planted based diet is a diet based on food that come solely from plants. The diet emphasizes eating natural, minimally processed food, with limited to no animal products.
The plant-based diet is a diet based on foods derived from plants, including vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes and fruits, but with few or no animal products This includes no man-made things like added sugars, white flour, and processed oils.
Why is it better? It does not contain the very products that cause all sorts of lifestyle diseases. The plant-based diet lowers the risks of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and fights the onset of cognitive diseases like Alzheimer’s. Additionally, the high fiber content and lack of processed foods makes this diet great for weight loss. Still for some reason people on aren’t sold on it. Some of this is because the misconceptions about the lifestyle. This brings me to number 2.
Myth #2: The plant-based diet is so boring. All you eat is vegetables.
That statement could not be further from the truth. When you decide to cut out all the bad stuff from your diet, it opens you up to a world of options. You’re forced to really expand your mind to find out just how much is out there that you did not know about. There is a wealth of possibility that comes straight from nature. It’s beautiful how mother nature gives us everything we will ever need.
Besides the wide selection of fruits and vegetables to try (and millions of amazing recipes out there), there are a lot of spices and supplementary ingredients to help you get very creative with amazing dishes everyone will love. Cutting out meat products forces you to get creative. Fortunately, there is a lot out there to help you and you will certainly never get bored of the potential this diet brings.
Myth #3: It’s not satisfying. You’ll always be hungry.
The good thing about a plant-based diet is that it is low calorie and you can eat almost as much as you want! There is so much out there in terms of recipes and you’re allowed to try them all without feeling guilty. And the high fiber content of the diet means you have your fill of plant foods.
Once you learn the ins and outs of this diet, you will learn to create dishes that are both satisfying and delicious. You are not on your own with this. There is so much out there on the interweb that makes it so easy to start. From recipes to meal plans to grocery lists and cooking videos, it has never been easier to create a lifestyle that fulfills all your nutritional needs while still giving you the flavor and goodness that you crave.
Myth #4: But meat is healthy. Remember Keto and Paleo?
Nothing could be further from the truth! I don’t care what proponents of those diets say. A plant-based diet is the #1 answer to all the lifestyle diseases that are plaguing society today. More and more people are realizing how the modern meat and dairy industries are toxic to the body and to the environment. There is so much misinformation about what effect animals products have on the body but it is important to look for the facts.
Right off the bat meat heavy diets increase your risk of heart disease. Meat, dairy products, and eggs all contain cholesterol and saturated fat. Because they increase the amount of fat in the blood, these products all cause America’s top killers: heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, and various types of cancer. Vegetarians are 40% less likely to develop cancer than meat-eater. Also, most meat has growth hormones and/or antibiotics meant to keep the healthy and fat before slaughter, all of which is ingested by the people that eat them.
Myth #5: You need animal products for protein and calcium.
Proponents of meat eating like to protein to argue that plant-based diets are not healthy or ideal. They argue that plant proteins are incomplete and do not contain all 9 essential amino acids the body needs. However, while most plants do not contain all 9 amino acids provided by one serving of meat, the secret lies in combining different sources of plant protein to provide all necessary components.
There is this idea that we need large amounts of protein to survive and that plants do not provide enough. However, when you eat a holistic diet of nutritious food, there is no need worry about whether you have enough protein. Plant protein is one of the best protein sources because antioxidant-rich plants have alkaline-forming abilities. Plant-based protein also is often easier to digest and absorb than animal products
As far as calcium is concerned, it is found in the soil, where it is absorbed into the roots of plants. Animals get their calcium by consuming these calcium-rich plants. Therefore, the calcium that meat eaters think must come from milk actually comes from plants. The direct source of calcium is from the earth, so a plant-based diet provides more than enough for a healthy diet.
Myth #6: The plant-based diet is expensive.
Those who think that plant-based diet is expensive need to think about exactly how much they send on unhealthy food. We spend a lot more on fast food than we think and these cheaper meals add up. We justify eating these convenient foods because they are less expensive. If people put that money towards healthy food and produce, they would see just how much easier a plant-based lifestyle can be. If we take the time to cook our meals, plant-based eating could be feasible for everyone. Long-term this way of eating will save so much money in healthcare costs and is quite inexpensive compared with the price of diet related diseases.
Myth #7: You can’t have a social life if you eat plant-based.
Some people complain that eating a plant-based diet takes away all their food options and makes having a social life difficult. The reality is most restaurants have vegetarian friendly meals on their menus. And most kitchens are willing to make the changes you need to make most meals compliant with your new lifestyle. You might not be able to eat the food you used to love, but you may will definitely be able to find some new, healthier options that are just as satisfying.
If you have trouble finding dishes at parties and get together, maybe those are your opportunities to share your new lifestyle with your loved one. It may be more difficult when you are not in control of your meal, but people are usually open to friends bringing something different for the group to share. Being able to introduce your friends to your new lifestyle is a great way gain support in your plant-based journey. You may inspire some people to join you!
So if you think you’re ready for a change in your diet, consider trying a plant-based diet. There are sooo many benefits to this lifestyle and it is so vital to living the healthiest life possible. There is so much possibility with this lifestyle and it allows you to get really creative with each dish. There’s no need to rush into it. Start with Meatless Mondays and see how just the smallest changes can go a long way in living your best life!
Always remember, You are capable of amazing things and You are worthy of your wildest dreams!
Until next time friends!