Hello friends!
So consider this quote:
You are a sum of your habits.
Think about it. You wake up to the same routine every day. Sleep. Work. Social life/family/kids. Every day (for most of us) the same.
Those habits you have developed shape your life, your well-being, and everything you care about. They shape who you are as a person and direct your path. While it’s definitely necessary to break out of routine when you can, there is great power in using this structure to your advantage in your wellness journey.
We all have bad habits, that’s a by-product of being human. But there are some habits that can really get in the way of your goals. It takes intention and self courage to look inward and really see what is holding you back. It takes courage because breaking out of your normal can be an unpleasant process. Knowing this ahead of time and doing it anyway is a real gift to yourself and the person you want to be.
There are several ways to approach habit change. I’ve compiled a mini guide for you to start on your way to changing your routine. I’ve found that combining all these tips has been an effective way for me to get rid of bad habits. It is important to note that it will not be easy. But it will definitely be worth it in the long run.
You must start by changing your beliefs about what is possible
The first place you need to start in order to break a bad habit is in the mind. One of the hardest things to overcome is the set of limiting beliefs we have about ourselves and what we are capable of. This is where the initial change needs to start. Our beliefs control our thoughts. Out thoughts dictate our actions and how we approach life.
It is so important that you start with changing your mindset and dissect what you believe to be true about yourself. If you don’t think you are capable of breaking a habit or believe that success is out of reach, it will be difficult to really tap into the energy it would take to succeed. Especially if you don’t believe that energy exists.
Once you begin to analyze those core beliefs and change the way you see yourself, the real change will have a place to take root. It is important to clear out all the negative beliefs that will only hold you back. That’s why it’s good to come up with mantras and new positive thoughts that will drown out the ones that don’t do you any good.
Meditation is a great way to do this. It allows you to sit and acknowledge the thoughts that come to your head and forces you to push them out. Mantras and self-hypnosis are great for reprogramming the mind and allow you start thinking more productive thoughts. Your mind can be trained and there are many methods. Once you are able to start mastering your mind, you will find that thoughts that cause your bad habits will disappear.
Find HEALTHY replacements and distractions
One of the hardest things to do is quit something cold turkey. What makes it worse it having too much time on your hands to think about the habit you are trying to overcome. The best way to conquer them is to find the right distractions that replace those bad habits, or at least make the transition more bearable.
Exercise is such a great way of distracting from negative behaviors. It involves your whole body and your mind, so it is very powerful in shaping new positive routines. Exercise is the most underutilized antidepressant out there. It is a great way to shake up your system and prepare your body for change. Click HERE to get my FREE Strength Training starter guide and 31 day challenge!
There are so many other ways to find constructive alternatives to our unhealthy habits. Taking up a new hobby is a great example. From learning instruments or languages to trying gourmet cooking or even coding, there are so many ways to entertain yourself that have nothing to do with your vices. Utilizing them will mean the difference between success and failure in the long run. This leads to my next tip.
Develop new routines and better habits
A great way to move past an emotional crutch is to restructure your days in a positive way. Establishing new and sustainable routines will be key in training your brain to crave different things.
Getting past old bad habits is about finding other ways to fill your time. Regardless of what your vice is, there are plenty of ways to restructure it out of your life. Get a planner and write out your whole week. Check out the one I use from Daily Bloom, which you can find on Amazon here. Get a good sense of how you use your time. Notice the gaps and consider adding exercise (or any other activity) at empty blocks of the day that can trigger bad habits.
Establishing new routines is crucial in creating new habits. They say it its 21 days to form a new habit. 3 weeks of sustained action will (if you stick with it) result in creating new mental pathways that help your brain readjust to a new lifestyle. Once you have come up with a good routine, you will see how much easier it is to avoid unnecessary temptations should they arise.
Practice building willpower
Willpower is the ability to control oneself and not act on impulses. It can be difficult to maintain but is the key to being successful in the face of temptation. The reality is your vices do not disappear once you decide to abstain from them. The universe is going to constantly throw test after test at you and it is only your level of willpower that determines whether or not you can withstand the pressure.
Willpower is like a muscle. When you are tested often by your vices and bad habits and you are able to resist, it becomes easier and easier to say no. You begin to detach from the need for it. Once you are free of this need, you will allow better things to take it’s place and help sustain good habits. Click here for more on willpower, motivation, and discipline.
Learn to sit in the craving and let it pass
Most people want to avoid pain, and discipline is usually painful.
John C. Maxwell
Sometimes there is no way to avoid the problems we face. There will be times when no distraction or replacement can save you in the wake of temptation. That is where discipline comes into the picture. Sometimes you just have to sit and experience the unpleasant feelings. Sometimes all you can do is rely on your own strength and self-discipline to get your through a craving or hard time.
Letting a craving pass is a total mental game. It is about looking temptation in the face and deciding that your goals are more important. It will definitely suck at first. But thanks to willpower, the more times you are able to say no to something the easier it will get.
So next time you’re looking a binge in the eye, acknowledge the feeling. Acknowledge that it sucks and ask yourself every time if your goals aren’t more important. Eventually the craving will stop because you are no longer indulging in it.
Step back and try to see the bigger picture
When you really think about it, life is all about a series of thoughts, and decisions based on those thoughts, that all add to a bigger picture of what it means to be healthy and fit. This journey requires a lifestyle change. You cannot look at each experience as one solitary incident. All your decisions add up. It’s not about how perfect you are, it about the sum of your good behaviors. The problem is that we focus on all the individual mistakes but miss the great strides we make as a whole.
A great way to stay focused on the larger picture towards your goals, it is great to reflect on your experiences regularly. This can be through journaling or conversation. Making gratitude lists is a great way to reflect on the positive things that have happened to you. Taking the time to acknowledge what you have going for you is a great way to make sure you are staying true to the plans you have for yourself.
Breaking a bad habit can be a very difficult experience. Whether it be from smoking or drugs or food, it can be an uphill battle, especially without a plan or clear steps to take to accomplish it. Consider the tips in this mini guide when you feel yourself wavering. Remember that true success is a marathon not a sprint. All your tiny decisions add up to big results. The more often you are able to resist, easier it will be to faithful to your goals.
Always remember, You are capable of amazing things and You are worthy of your wildest dreams!
Until next time friends!