Hello friends!
Today I want to ask you how you approach your life every day. Are you just strolling through doing your time, or are you living intentionally with purpose? If you’re lucky, life can be long. Are you making it mean something or are you just coasting? I ask you this because I want to help you get to a place where you feel accomplished and fulfilled.
With the close of another year, many often use this time to plan ahead. Each new year, month, or even week is filled with possibility. Regardless of what time of year it is, every day is an opportunity to set a new intention or to dream another dream. This means setting goals and making them happen.
Setting goals shows an effort to live with purpose. It is your way of telling the world that you want to make your life mean something more, even if it is just to yourself. Setting a new goal can help you refocus your path and help you see an alternate future. It is an opportunity to try something different, be someone new, and feel renewed. Goal setting, when done correctly, can help you become more enthusiastic about your life. It can provide you with a new outlook and fill you with hope for the future.
But how do you approach it? When you have something major you need to change in your life, it can be difficult to find a place to start, especially when it comes to your wellness journey. You may have weight to lose or a fitness goal you want to conquer. Or you may just want to get healthy and feel good in your skin again.
Below is a guide to help you get starting on planning your new goal, your new approach to life. These 10 questions will help you become laser focused on what it is you want to achieve and how you will get there. These are great for taking on a huge task, like healing yourself or transforming your body. But they are great for approaching any goal you may desire to reach. These high mileage questions will help you create a clear picture of what you want to do and when you’re done you will have a perfect blueprint for success!
10 Questions to ask yourself that will help you achieve your goals
1.What is my motivation behind this goal? Why do I want to make this change?
The number one thing you need to do when goal setting is to figure out your WHY. What is the intention behind this goal you want to achieve? What is it that makes this goal so important to you? How does this change measure up to your values and your ambitions? It is so important to know why you want something. When the journey is tough and you are losing motivation, the right WHY will make you push through the pain. It will remind you just how important this change is to you and will revitalize you when you are feeling low. Before starting any journey, make sure you know WHY you want it. If you are confident in your desire to achieve it, you will stop at nothing to succeed.
2. Is this a SMART goal?
The best way to create a solid plan is to make it a SMART goal. This means the goal is:
SPECIFIC– you have spelled out the who, what, when, where, and how of the goal that is to be achieved. It is about having a plan for how you will accomplish it. The more specific and detailed your plan, the more likely you will be successful.
MEASURABLE– you know how to track your progress and have distinct markers for knowing you are on track.
ATTAINABLE- you have the resources and skills to be successful. Others have accomplished this goal, and with the right plan, you know you can too.
REALISTIC– you know that you are capable of reaching this goal. You are willing and able to commit to it.
TIMELY- your goal has a timeline and a reasonable completion date.
SMART goals represent a concrete plan of attack for your desires. Making a goal SMART means ironing out the details of what you want, how you will get there, and when. When you can answer all these questions about your goal, you will walk with purpose and stay motivated.
3. What are 3 things I can start doing now to begin working towards this goal?
When setting a goal, it is important to immediately take action to get the ball rolling while you are motivated. Coming up with 3 things you can do immediately to start your journey will give you the confidence you need to dive in. Creating action steps is the best way to start down your journey.
4. How is my current lifestyle keeping me from reaching my goal?
It is important to analyze what your life looks like at the present moment. You need to examine what needs to change in order to know how to move forward. There are key aspects of your lifestyle that have kept you from success up to this point. Once you can pinpoint what those things are, you will be able to pursue a different path. Nothing changes if nothing changes.
5. Why have I failed to achieve this goal in the past? What has held me back?
If you’re like me, you’ve already tried many times to achieve the goal you’re setting. It’s important to understand WHY you failed all those times before. Get real and give yourself some tough love. You need to understand what in your life has held you back, what has made you unsuccessful up to this point. If you are able to analyze yourself and get clear on your shortcomings, you will be able to plan for when those issues arise again. Preparation is vital to success. This time you will get there and knowing what may get in the way ahead of time will make it that much more possible.
6. How will this time be different? How am I willing to change to align with my goal?
Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. In order to be successful you have to change the playbook. You have to commit to doing something different, even if it means changing you beliefs and all your normal routines. What you’ve done until now hasn’t worked. It’s time to try something new. What are you willing to change or give up to become the person you were meant to be? You may have to sacrifice the old you in order to live the life of your dreams.
7. Do I have support along the way? Who can I be accountable to?
Having a support system is vital to success. No man is an island and it is a mistake to think you can go at it alone, especially if you have failed in the past. You need accountability. Someone who will check in on you and make sure you’re on track. Someone who you can turn to in times of weakness or uncertainty. It is so important to have a motivator, someone on your side to cheer for your success and be there if you fall. Support is key to turning any dream into reality.
8. What tools or information do I need to be successful?
You need to be prepared. Do an appraisal of your toolkit and make sure you are ready for the action you want to take. This means doing your research, learning new skills, finding mentors or coaches, whatever it takes to make sure you are ready for the task at hand.
9. What will reaching my goal feel like?
Visualization is a powerful tool for success. Having a clear picture in your mind of what your life will look like once you reach your goal will make it feel more real. What will success be like for you? How will you look? How will you act? What will be different when you get there? How will you feel? You want to imagine it to the point where it feels so real you can almost touch it. With a clear vision about how your plan will unfold, you can ensure that it will actually happen.
10. On a scale of 1 to 10, how willing am I to commit to this goal? What would it take to be a 10?
It’s important to know how ready you are. How sure of yourself you are. You should regularly check in with yourself about your level of commitment. Use the scale. If your level of commitment is not a 10, figure out why. What is holding you back from giving it your all? What changes do you need to make now so that you can go all in? Achieving your goals will require all of your strength and courage. You have to fully commit to get to the finish line.
Now that you know the steps and what it takes to be successful, you may still find yourself with some serious health challenges that you may need extra guidance in achieving. Ask and you shall receive!
How health coaching can help you reach your wellness goals
First, what is health coaching? Health coaching is a partnership between the coach and the client to create and execute a plan for achieving a state of true health. A health coach is an advocate, support system, and cheerleader. A health coach provides dedicated one-on-one support on a regular basis so that a person can learn lifelong tools for keeping their bodies in peak condition.
As a health coach, I help you examine your current situation and help you figure out how you got there. I will ask you some very powerful questions to help you get to the core of your struggles and will help you prepare to take action in the right direction. The coaching relationship gives you open space to work through your blocks judgement free. We will talk through concrete reasons your goal is important to you. I will provide unlimited support, advice, and space and make you feel heard.
Read more about the importance of health coaching here! If this sounds great to you then it’s time to take the next step!
What does my program offer?
The Lamour Fitness Machine Health Coaching program is a six-month holistic coaching program that will provide the participant (client) with support in achieving their health and fitness goals. The process will start with a one hour conversation about the client’s health history, where we will discuss past and present medical issues, everyday habits, support systems, and finally, goals for the completion of the program.
You will meet with me-your health coach-twice a month for 12 one-hour sessions. This can be done in person, over the phone, or with Skype or Zoom. During each session, we will discuss different areas of your life, and how they affect your health. We will explore topics such as diet, exercise, relationships, career and finances, hobbies, and so much more! These sessions will give you the time and space to explore anything that you would like to talk about. I will help you work through any blocks you may have that are keeping you from living to your full potential. I will give you 2-3 recommendations and action steps to work on at the end of every session. I will also be available for unlimited email support and advice.
The program will offer nutrition education and will guide you through creating healthy eating habits. You will also receive a detailed exercise regimen to help you feel connected to your body and get in better physical shape. Overall, the goal of this program is to help you take back your health and teach you all the skills you need to live your best life! Click here to get started!
Always remember, You are capable of amazing things and You are worthy of your wildest dreams!
Until next time friends!