Hello friends!
Consider these questions:
Do you feel unnecessarily disorganized?
Do you have trouble staying productive?
Do the days get away from you and you find yourself not getting anything done?
Do you often miss deadlines and never feel fully on top of your game?
Do you feel like you never have enough time?
Do you often feel unprepared for the day?
Do you go to bed feeling like a mess after another wasted day?
Is it hard to keep track of your goals and stick with it?
Are you getting where you want in life?
Does any of this sound familiar?
If this sounds like you, it’s time to get organized and become intentional about making the most of every day. And that starts by creating your Master Plan! The purpose of this plan is to get you consistent. Once you decide what you want, your plan will guide you through all your decisions and help you create a pathway for success. As your plans unfold in your life you will have the direction and motivation to really succeed at anything you want!
Why is the master plan so important?
“A goal without a plan is just a wish”.
~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
A plan gives you everything you need to become consistently productive. A plan gives you direction and a roadmap for how to achieve your goals. Without goals you have nothing to work towards, and without a plan you’ll never know what you are truly capable of. Having a plan will help you get more done. You will use your time more efficiently and get so much out of each day.
When you decide to give your lifestyle an upgrade, having a concrete plan makes it feel real. You have clear steps to take and milestones to hit and you are ready for the challenge. Without a plan you are left with a big task and no clear way to make it happen. Having a plan allows you to be less stressed and overly concerned with the issue at hand. You are more secure and are more intentional about your decisions because you know the end result you want to achieve.
Having a plan allows you to execute with confidence and certainty that you’ve worked through everything and feel prepared. When you’ve turned your goals into a plan, you are more closely working towards your purpose. And this feeling of satisfaction will produce a feeling a happiness one cannot describe for you. Creating your Master plan is exactly what you need to set the course for the rest of your life!
What should you use to make this plan?
There are several formats that can work to create a tactical representation and manual for achieving your goals. You can create your own free form plan in a notebook or journal. This is great for those who want to create their own style and create something that works best for them. You can also use a formal 12-18 month planner calendar to track progress through time and stay organized.
If you are looking for something customizable and digital, consider the programs offered by Google, Word, etc., and the different apps they offer such as documents or spreadsheets. The most important thing is to find something that makes sense to you so that you can also stick to. You can do a combination of all of the above to create the best picture for how you will achieve your goals.
How far ahead should you plan for?
First you should consider your life and the impact you want to have while you’re here. When you know that, you will be able to create goals that will help you get to that destination. Though you may have many lifetime goals in mind, planning your whole life right now may be overwhelming. A good time period to start planning for is 5 years. Every 5 years create a list of things you want to accomplish and make a plan. This will help you get the most out of your life and make good use of your years.
What should I put in my plan?
Start by setting 3-5 things you want to accomplish in 5 years. Once you have your big 5 year goals, break them down into smaller pieces. Decide what needs to be done each year that will get you towards your goals. Once you know what needs to get down each year, plan each month. Be as detailed as you can. This will only help you in the long run. When you are feeling discouraged or unmotivated, think back to your plan as a way to reignite the flame in your to keep striving for your best.
Now that you have your goals and have outlined necessary actions, it is time to create milestones to measure how close you are to your goal. This serves both to track your progress and remind you to celebrate your achievements along the journey. Remember to actually celebrate when you get to each milestone because that will give you the motivation to reach the next one!
Once you have a fully formed plan with long-term and short-term goals represented, it’s important to create a daily routine and lifestyle that will get you there. You are your habits. What you do every day matters, and it only brings you closer or farther from what you want in life. Create a daily list of tasks and stick to it. Being consistent is key to achievement.
What is the long-term value of having a master plan?
Having a plan means having a blueprint for the future. It gives you guidance in your decision making and helps you decide what’s most important to you moving forward. You will have something concrete to fall back on when you are struggling to find direction or choose the next task. And once you’ve seen actual progress and taken action, hitting your milestones will be a incredibly motivating measure of success.
As you see yourself checking off what you have accomplished, you will have greater confidence to keep pushing forward. When you get that first taste of success, you will be able to consistently bring that feeling into your life. Having a master plan and STICKING TO IT will help you become disciplined and more intentional about your life. You will learn to make the best use of your time and get the most out of your years. Your master plan will help make sure you live your life to the absolute fullest you can so that you have fewer regrets about what you didn’t get to accomplish.
So decide to take the time now to write it all out. Get detailed. Create something that will make transformation effortless. You have it in you to achieve greatness and this is where it starts! You create your reality and there has never been a better time than now to make things happen. Your future self will thank you!
Always remember, You are capable of amazing things and You are worthy of your wildest dreams!
Until next time friends!