I offer a special coaching Transformative Program for 1:1 Coaching Program. The 1:1 Coaching Program is a three-month holistic coaching program that will provide the participant (client) with support in achieving their health and fitness goals. The process will start with a one hour conversation about the client’s health history, where we will discuss past and present medical issues, everyday habits, support systems, and finally, goals for the completion of the program.
You will meet with me-your transformation coach-twice a month (plus a final session) for (13) one-hour sessions. This can be done in person (in New England), over the phone, or with Zoom. During each session, we will discuss different areas of your life, as well as how they affect your health. We will explore topics such as diet, exercise, relationships, career and finances, hobbies, and so much more! These sessions will give you the time and space to explore anything that you would like to talk about. I will help you work through any blocks you may have that are keeping you from living to your full potential. I will give you 2-3 recommendations and action steps to work on at the end of every session. I will also be available for unlimited digital or text support and advice.
This program focuses on the idea that a diet based on whole plant foods is key to transforming your health and body. It is the ultimate way to get the results you are looking for and adopting a whole food diet is the key to success. The program will offer nutrition education and will guide you through creating healthy eating habits. You will also receive a detailed exercise regimen focused on resistance training to help you feel connected to your body and reshape your figure. You will work toward reducing your reliance on medication and hopefully cure your lifestyle diseases. You will develop better habits and create a lifestyle you are excited about. Overall, the goal of this program is to help you take back your life and teach you all the skills you need to become your best version!
If you feel you are ready to take your health into your own hands, now is the time to hire me as your Transformation Coach! I am taking on clients NOW and I am so excited to help reconnect you to yourself and your wellbeing. I am here to guide you on this journey to changing your life and I am so excited to see the person you become after our time together!
Always remember, You are capable of amazing things and You are worthy of your wildest dreams!
Until next time friends!