Project Transformation Inc.

Thank you for purchasing the Lamour Fitness Machine Collection!

Congratulations on taking the first step transforming your body and get in the best shape of your life! This Fit Kit is exactly what you need to a strength training routine that will totally change the way you see exercise!

Before I let you go, I just wanted to share this ONE TIME OFFER think will be a game changer to start your transformation journey on the right foot!


The Free Transformation Strategy Call

I wanted you to be one of the FIRST to hear about my FREE coaching opportunity: Project Transformation’s 30 Minute Transformation Strategy Call! It’s your ultimate jumpstart to becoming your best version!

I have been going over and over in my head trying to figure out just how I can support those who are ready to transform their lives and just need a place to start. You may not need a long-term coaching program and may just need some direction to move full steam ahead!

Let me ask you this: How do you FEEL?? Physically? Mentally? Emotionally? Spiritually? Do you feel at your best? Or do you feel lost, unfulfilled, unhealthy, or dissatisfied with your life? Do you ever feel like there has to be more than this? If you answered yes to any of these, it may be time to wholeheartedly pursue your very own transformation! And you know what? My Transformation Strategy Call is exactly what you need to make it happen!

This call is perfect for anyone who has decided that NOW is the time to change their life and is ready to make the leap to living a healthier lifestyle. In this one-time coaching session, we will go over everything you need to know to make this healthy lifestyle stick. From diet to exercise to cultivating a success mindset; this program is here to help you jump start you wellness journey!

If you are interested in learning more about this program click here!

I am so excited to help you get started on your very own transformation. It is an opportunity for you ask me every question you’ve ever had about health and fitness and really tease out every detail on the road to becoming your best version!

This is my FREE, no commitment, one time offer coaching program which can provide HUGE results. Spots are limited so sign up NOW!

Always remember, You are capable of amazing things, and You are worthy of your wildest dreams!

Until next time, friend!


Valerie 🌺