Hello friends!
So starting a fitness journey is hard. Staying committed is so much harder. The feeling at the end is priceless. So how do we get there? Well there are certain components of the human experience that are big catalysts for change in your life. Working on these things could be the difference between getting the body you want and staying stuck in the same place. They are motivation, willpower, and discipline.
When you think about what these words really mean and the part they play in your fitness journey, you will learn to cultivate them and finally make good on all the promises you made to yourself.
The motivation to do anything – like change your entire life around – doesn’t just come from some magical, mystical place within you. Action is both the effect of motivation and the cause of it.
Mark Manson
You know that thing that makes you excited to wake up and tackle the day? That feeling of hope that you are capable of making all your dreams come true? That is motivation. It is one of the most important factors in being successful in anything.
Motivation is defined as the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way. It is the general desire or willingness of someone to do something. Motivations is what causes you to act and stay true to your goals.
There are 3 components to motivation: activation, persistence, and intensity. Activation is the decision to pursue a goal. Persistence is continued action toward that goal. Intensity is the level of concentration and vigor you put towards that goal.
There are two types of motivation: extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic motivations come from outside one self and often involve rewards. Intrinsic motivations come from within the self and is the internal drive to accomplish a goal.
It’s really important to have goals and find purpose in life. Finding the right motivations can mean the difference between staying in bed all day and getting to the gym or finishing that big project.
We need to find those reasons for doing the hard things and reinforce them on a regular basis. This will make achieving those goals more possible. Visualizing the changes we want will make them feel real and achievable. This will help us work hard, knowing that everything we want is within our capability.
In the absence of willpower the most complete collection of virtues and talents is wholly worthless.
Aleister Crowley
Very closely related to motivation is willpower. Willpower is the ability to control oneself and not act on impulses. It is an absolutely necessary component to being successful because in life that are many temptations. The more we are able to say no to the things we should not indulge in, (whether it is food or laziness or any negative behavior) the more likely we are to finally achieve our goals.
Willpower isn’t something that gets handed out to some and not to others. It is a skill you can develop through understanding and practice.
Gillian Riley
Willpower can be difficult to maintain but is the only way to say no to the things that do not serve us. Restraint is so important to success but it takes a lot of practice. Yes willpower is like a muscle that can be trained. While you may find your cravings to be too powerful, practicing willpower is the best way to learn how to control cravings and avoid habits that do more harm than good.
When you are tested often enough by your vices and you are able to resist, it becomes easier and easier to say no to temptation. You begin to detach from the need for it and maybe no longer see the need for it. Growing willpower is key to creating lasting change.
There are some shortcomings to willpower. When temptation is great, it is so easy to make excuses as to why the thing or that behavior is worth indulging in. In the beginning it will be difficult to say no if you have always indulged yourself in the past. Learning to say no takes some serious progress but gets easier with time. This leads to our next topic: discipline.
Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.
Jim Rohn
Discipline is defined as the training that makes people more willing to obey or more able to control themselves. For our purposes I will discuss self-discipline.
When you run out of motivation or you don’t want to resist temptation, the thing saving you from those setbacks is…..DISCIPLINE.
You will get to a moment when you feel that you will overeat at a party. That thing holding you back is the one thing you is, again, discipline. It is something we all have to master for success.
Discipline helps set a foundation for success. Choosing to get that workout in even though you are tired, choosing to eat the meal you prepped rather than that order out with your coworkers, staying up to finish your projects rather than watch TV; these all take serious self-discipline.
The important thing is to build in routines. Help you mind adjust with predictable actions. Once you decide to do something, use that motivation to strengthen your willpower. This builds discipline.
In fitness, there are no short cuts. It involves immense discipline and hard work.
Mahesh Babu
We all need reasons for why we do things and motivation is a key factor in anyone starting and sustaining a healthy lifestyle. We need purpose. We need to explore the world around us. We make plans for how we will live and we create goals for ourselves. Those goals comes with it tests and challenges, often to our willpower, that we have to learn to overcome. Remember, willpower is like a muscle; it must be trained and practiced.
This practice, the creation of a routine, strengthens your level of self-discipline. And when you are disciplined, you can unlock a power in yourself that you never knew existed. Imagine being laser focused on your goals. When you are disciplined, you have all the potential in the world to get everything you desire.
How we find motivation, practice more willpower, and become more self-disciplined
The development of self-discipline is a gift you give yourself to achieve your dreams. You cannot accomplish any long-term goal without a strong sense of discipline about your life and your plan. Surround yourself with motivations that keep you laser focused on your goals. This strengths you willpower and your ability to stay committed or say no. All these tiny decisions add up to a much stronger and more resilient you.
So here are a few tips to help you along your way to building that discipline and shifting into a success mindset:
1.First thing you need to do is get rid of anything that tempts you away from your success. Get all temptations out of the house and double up on whole foods and better habits. The best way to remove negative cravings or bad behaviors from you life is replace them will positive, healthy choices instead. It is easier to go without when you are well distracted from the temptation.
2. One of the worst things you can do is deprive yourself. That’s why it is important to plan in breaks, treats, and nonfood rewards. A good strategy for balance is 80/20 rule. Allow yourself to have planned indulgences to keep you sane. This way you will have to willpower to stay strong against unplanned moments of temptation.
3. So it is very difficult to just give something up and just go without. It will drive your brain crazy. Instead, find something that lights you up more than the bad habit (at least in the beginning). It would be good to find a HEALTHY replacement for what you are trying to give up. Then you will be able to distract you brain while your body adjusts. I cannot stress healthy enough. Trading cigarettes for junk food or wine is certainly not the answer. However, good mental replacements are exercise, finding a new hobby, spending more time with loved ones, and keeping a busy schedule. Once you stop giving yourself opportunities to experience temptation, you will stop feeling those cravings.
4. We are all human and we will mess up at least some of the time. It is so important to learn to forgive yourself when you make mistakes. Rather than wallow in the negative, choose to look past momentary slips and see the bigger picture. Remember 80/20. No one expects you to be point 100% of the time. Show yourself the compassion you so easily give others.
5. My last tip above all is to never give up and always keep moving forward. Do not stay in the past in self-pity and regret. Find another way to get where you need to be. When a door closes, open another one yourself. It is so important to just push forward in times of discouragement. It is important to see the bigger picture and not get bogged down by the details. Just keep swimming.
Always remember, You are capable of amazing things and You are worthy of your wildest dreams!
Until next time friends!